GraphMasters Open is an open workshop organized to foster collaboration between researchers interested in graph algorithms and problems. The spirit of the workshop is informal: we will provide working space for participants, who are welcome to group as they like and seek each other’s counsel and opinion.
Participants are encouraged to bring interesting problems to share with others. We welcome all graph-related problems, including those not directly involving graphs but that you suspect may be modeled as such.
We typically gather some problems beforehand to startup the discussion, if you want to suggest some (we warmly invite you to do so) email the local organizers or conte [at]
GraphMastersOpen 2021
GraphMastersOpen 2021 is the third edition of GraphMastersOpen. It will be held concurrently with StringMasters after IWOCA 2021hosted by University of Ottawa, Canada, on July 8th, 2021. (IWOCA is from July 5 to July 7). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic both events will be held online.
(we included “open” in the workshop’s name to disambiguate from the pre-existing invitation-based workshop graphmasters)
The event is open to everyone with no registration fee. For organization reasons and to receive instructions, please email with a demonstration of interest.
The workshop will take place in a dedicated Discord channel. Link will be provided to participants via email. To register, either register to IWOCA 2021 or email conte [at]
11:00-12:00 CEST First plenary problem introduction (Europe & Asia) 12:15-14:15 CEST Working session 14:30-15:30 CEST Second plenary problem introduction (America & Europe) 16:15-18:15 CEST Working session
We will start the meeting in the Zoom room of IWOCA then migrate to Discord. If you did not receive the links email the organizer.
Alessio Conte, Università di Pisa (GMo organizer & chair) Jacqueline Daykin, Aberystwyth University (SM organizer & chair) Travis Gagie, Dalhousie University (SM organizer & chair) Jarno Alanko, University of Helsinki N R Aravind, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Golnaz Badkobeh, Goldsmith’s, University of London Hideo Bannai, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Djamal Belazzougui, University of Helsinki Ivan Bliznets, St. Petersburg Department of Steklov, Institute of Mathematics,Russia Vincenzo Bonnici, Universitàdi Verona Kshitij Gajjar, the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Roberto Grossi, Università di Pisa Christopher Hampson, King’s College London Tim Hartmann, RWTH Aachen University Costas Iliopoulos, King’s College London Dominik Köppl, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Niranjan Krishna Martin Kučera, Czech Technical University in Prague Manish Kumar, Ben-Gurion University Abhiruk Lahiri, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Francesco Lanfolfi, Università di Pisa Stefan Lendl, University of Gray Zara Lim, King’s College London Zsuzsanna Lipták, University of Verona Andrea Marino, University of Florence Giulia Punzi, Università di Pisa Davide Rucci, Università di Pisa Massimiliano Rossi, University of Florida Florian Stober, University of Stuttgart Alexander Tiskin, University of Warwick Sebastian Wild, University of Liverpool Lasse Wulf, Graz University of Technology
(if we forgot you send an email on the organizers to be included)
Related Events
IWOCA 2021 the 32nd International Workshop on Combinatorial algorithms, hosted by University of Ottawa, Canada, on July 5-7, 2021.
IWOCA Open Problems Session is a panel held during IWOCA (check the program for details) with the aim of collecting interesting open problems in the area of combinatorial algorithms. Participants of GraphMasters that would like to propose problems are encouraged to also present them in this panel.
StringMasters 2021 StringMasters is an forum on stringology which has taken place once to three times per year since 2007.
GraphMasters 2020
GraphMasters 2020 is the second edition of GraphMasters. It will be held concurrently with IWOCA 2020at LaBRI, University of Bordeaux, France, on June 11th, 2020. (IWOCA is from June 8 to June 10). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic both events will be held online.
The event is open to everyone with no registration fee. For organization reasons and to receive instructions, you should email with a demonstration of interest.
The workshop will take place in the Zoom room of IWOCA and a dedicated Discord channel. Links will be provided to participants via email.
All times are in CEST time (UTC+2).
10:00 – 11:00 Open problems introduction (Zoom) and introduction to Discord.
11:00 – 12:30 First working session (Discord)
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 – 14:00 Second open problems introduction (Discord)
14:00 – 16:00 Second working session (Discord)
We will start the meeting in the Zoom room of IWOCA then migrate to Discord. If you did not receive the links email the organizer.
In case shared whiteboards are needed, we will try using (creating a free account/logging in with google is sufficient, collaborators need to be invited via e-mail to your board).
Preliminary interest on the problems (first problem introduction session)group “photo”
Alessio Conte (organizer, chair) – University of Pisa , Italy Ralf Klasing – University of Bordeaux , France Murugan V – SAS, VIT University , India Siddharth Gupta – Ben Gurion University , Israel Manish Kumar – Ben Gurion University , Israel Saidur Rahman – Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology , Bangladesh Yeva Fadhilah Ashari – Institut Teknologi Bandung , Indonesia Luigi Laura – Università Internazionale Telematica Uninettuno , Italy Selma Djelloul – LRI – Université Paris-Saclay , France Kshitij Gajjar – Technion , Israel Protik Bose Pranto – Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology , Bangladesh Luca Mariot – Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca , Italy Bishal Basak Papan – Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology , Bangladesh Daniel Gibney – University of Central Florida , USA Abhiruk Lahiri – University of Haifa , Israel Toni Böhnlein – Bar-Ilan University , Israel Ida Pu – Goldsmiths, University of London , UK Amir Nikabadi – Aditya Guha Roy – Dibyayan Chakraborty – Venkatesh Raman – The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, Tamil Nadu , India Mehdi Araghi – University of Ottawa , Canada Quanquan Liu – MIT , USA Sachin Jakhar – IIT DELHI , India Sandra Kingan – Brooklyn College, CUNY , USA Lucia Moura – University of Ottawa , Canada Fabian Frei – ETH Zurich , Switzerland Gabriel Valiente – Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya , Spain Ashwin Jacob – The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, Tamil Nadu , India Pratibha Choudhary – Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur , India Ananya D. Christman – Middlebury College , USA Archit Chauhan – Chennai Mathematical Institute , India Konrad K. Dabrowski – Durham University , UK Matjaž Krnc – Florent Foucaud – Universite de Bodeaux , France Luca Pepè Sciarria – University of Rome Tor Vergata , Italy Henning Fernau – University of Trier , Germany Oluwaseun Lijoka – University of lethbridge , Canada Sukanya Pandey – Universiteit Utrecht , Netherlands Florian Sikora – Dauphine University , France Avinandan Das – Meike Hatzel – TU Berlin , Germany Tim Hartmann – Kazuhiro Kurita – National Institute of Informatics , Japan Francesco Landolfi – University of Pisa , Italy Giulia Punzi – University of Pisa , Italy Roberto Grossi – University of Pisa , Italy Nicola Prezza – LUISS University , Italy Kunihiro Wasa – National Institute of Informatics , Japan Janet Fierson – Lasalle University , USA Erik Demaine – MIT , USA
Related Events
IWOCA 2020, the 31th International Workshop on Combinatorial algorithms, will be held in the same venue on June 8-10, 2020.
IWOCA Open Problems Session is a panel held during IWOCA (check the program for details) with the aim of collecting interesting open problems in the area of combinatorial algorithms. Participants of GraphMasters that would like to propose problems are encouraged to also present them in this panel.
GraphMasters 2019
GraphMasters 2019 was the first edition of GraphMasters.
It was held at the Computer Science department of University of Pisa on July 22nd, 2019, the day before IWOCA 2019 was hosted in the same location.
The 2019 edition of StringMasters for algorithms and problems concerning strings was co-hosted with GraphMasters 2019. The workshop will be held on July 22nd, 2019 at the Computer Science Department of University of Pisa ( Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, Pisa, Italy , Building C, 2nd floor)
There is no registration fee for the event, but for organization reasons you should email (or the StringMaster 2019 organizers) to show your interest before June 22nd (A month before the workshop). In alternative, attendants of IWOCA 2019 will get a chance to show their interest in the registration form.
See this page for more details on reaching the venue and finding food in Pisa.
In no specific order
Alessio Conte (organizer, chair) University of Pisa Giovanna Rosone (organizer, StringMasters 2019 co-chair) Rossano Venturini (organizer, StringMasters 2019 co-chair) Kunihiro Wasa (panel chair) National Institute of Informatics, Japan Andrea Marino University of Firenze Roberto Grossi University of Pisa Giulia Punzi University of Pisa Gabriele Fici University of Palermo Kazuhiro Kurita Hokkaido University Giordano Da Lozzo Roma TRE University Yeganeh Bahoo Torudi University of Manitoba, Canada Sandip Benerjee Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Sujoy Bhore Technische University of Wien, Austria Arindam Biswas The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Chennai, India Gennaro Cordasco Universita’ della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Italy Lucia Draque Penso Ulm University, Germany Zola Donovan AFRL, USA Dalibor Froncek University of Minnesota Duluth, USA Harmender Gahlawat Indian Statistical Istitute, Kolkata, India Rahul Raj Gupta IIT Guwahati, India Costas Iliopoulos King’s College London, UK Sushanta Karkamar IIT Guwahati, India Tomohiro Koana TU Berlin, Germany David Kubel University of Bonn, Germany Kostantinos Mampentzidis Aarhus University, Denmark Christodoulos Mitillos Illinois Institute of Technology, USA Arti Pandey IIT Ropar, India I Vinod Kumar Reddy IIT Bhilai, India Charles Colbourn Arizona State University, USA Violet Syrotiuk Arizona State University, USA Hiroki Arimura Hokkaido University
Related Events
IWOCA 2019, the 30th International Workshop on Combinatorial algorithms, will be held in the same venue on July 23-25, 2019. See the website for the call for papers (abstract registration: February 20, submission deadline: February 25).
StringMaster 2019 is this year’s installment of the StringMasters workshop on string related problems. It will be held on the same day and location as GraphMasters. People interested in both workshops can freely move between them.
Upcoming events
GraphMasters 2021 @ IWOCA 2021, Ottawa, Canada
GraphMasters 2022 @ IWOCA 2022, Trier, Germany
Organize GraphMasters
If you’d like a GraphMasters workshop to be organized as a standalone workshop or co-hosted with another event/conference email Alessio Conte at conte [at]
The spirit of the workshop is informal, and the only requirement is to provide working space for participants to present and work on open problems. Providing coffee breaks and lunch can help the participants socialize but is not required.